

noun \ˈbak\

: the rear part of the body : the part of the body that is opposite to the stomach and chest and that goes from the neck to the top of the legs

: the part of an animal that is like a person's back

: the side or surface of something that is opposite the front or face : the rear side or surface of something

Full Definition of BACK

a (1) :  the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine (2) :  the body considered as the wearer of clothes (3) :  capacity for labor, effort, or endurance (4) :  the back considered as the seat of one's awareness of duty or failings <get off my back> (5) :  the back considered as an area of vulnerability <the police officer's partner always watches his back>
b :  the part of a lower animal (as a quadruped) corresponding to the human back
c :  spinal column
d :  spine 1c
a :  the side or surface opposite the front or face :  the rear part; also :  the farther or reverse side
b :  something at or on the back for support <back of a chair>
c :  a place away from the front <sat in back>
:  a position in some games behind the front line of players; also :  a player in this position
backed \ˈbakt\ adjective
back·less \ˈbak-ləs\ adjective
back of one's hand or back of the hand
:  a show of contempt
back of one's mind
:  the part of one's mind where thoughts and memories are stored to be drawn on
behind one's back
:  without one's knowledge
in back of
:  behind

Origin of BACK

Middle English, from Old English bæc; akin to Old High German bah back, Old Norse bak
First Known Use: before 12th century

Related to BACK

Other Anatomy Terms

bilateral symmetry, carotid, cartilage, dorsal, entrails, prehensile, renal, solar plexus, supine, thoracic, ventral



: in, toward, or at the back or rear

: to, toward, or in the place where someone or something was previously

: in or into the past : backward in time

Full Definition of BACK

a :  to, toward, or at the rear
b :  in or into the past :  backward in time; also :  ago
c :  to or at an angle off the vertical
d (1) :  under restraint
(2) :  in a delayed or retarded condition
a :  to, toward, or in a place from which a person or thing came
b :  to or toward a former state
c :  in return or reply

First Known Use of BACK

13th century

Related to BACK

agone [archaic], ago, since, syne [chiefly Scottish]



: of or relating to the back : located at the back

: far from a central or main area

: not yet paid : owed from an earlier time

Full Definition of BACK

a :  being at or in the back <back door>
b :  distant from a central or main area <back roads>
c :  articulated at or toward the back of the oral passage <back vowels>
:  having returned or been returned
:  being in arrears :  overdue
:  moving or operating backward :  reverse
:  not current <back issues of a magazine>
:  constituting the final 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course

First Known Use of BACK

15th century

Related to BACK



: to give help to (someone)

: to bet on (someone or something)

: to provide evidence that supports (something)

Full Definition of BACK

transitive verb
a :  to support by material or moral assistance
b :  substantiate
c :  to assume financial responsibility for
d :  to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up
a :  to cause to go back or in reverse
b :  to articulate (a sound) with the tongue farther back
a :  to furnish with a back
b :  to be at the back of
intransitive verb
:  to move backward —often used with up
of the wind :  to shift counterclockwise — compare veer
:  to have the back in the direction of something
back·er \ˈba-kər\ noun
back and fill
:  to manage the sails of a ship so as to keep it clear of obstructions as it floats down with the current of a river or channel
:  to take opposite positions alternately :  shilly-shally
back into
:  to get into inadvertently <backed into the antiques business>

First Known Use of BACK


Synonym Discussion of BACK

support, uphold, advocate, back, champion mean to favor actively one that meets opposition. support is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given <supports waterfront development>. uphold implies extended support given to something attacked <upheld the legitimacy of the military action>. advocate stresses urging or pleading <advocated prison reform>. back suggests supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling <refusing to back the call for sanctions>. champion suggests publicly defending one unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own cause <championed the rights of children>.

recede, retreat, retract, back mean to move backward. recede implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high fixed point in time or space <the flood waters gradually receded>. retreat implies withdrawal from a point or position reached <retreating soldiers>. retract implies drawing back from an extended position <a cat retracting its claws>. back is used with up, down, out, or off to refer to any retrograde motion <backed off on the throttle>.


geographical name \ˈbak\

Definition of BACK

river 605 miles (974 kilometers) Canada in Nunavut rising along border with Northwest Territories & flowing ENE into Arctic Ocean
BEHIND ONE'S BACK Defined for Kids


noun \ˈbak\

Definition of BACK for Kids

:  the rear part of the human body from the neck to the end of the spine :  the upper part of the body of an animal
:  the part of something that is opposite or away from the front part
:  a player in a team game who plays behind the forward line of players
backed \ˈbakt\ adjective <a high-backed chair>



Definition of BACK for Kids

:  to, toward, or at the rear <The crowd moved back.>
:  in or to a former time, state, or place <I started working here some years back.> <I'll be right back.>
:  under control <I kept back my anger.>
:  in return or reply <Please write back.> <Give me back my bike.>
back and forth
:  toward the back and then toward the front
:  between two places or people <They sailed back and forth across the lake.>



Definition of BACK for Kids

:  located at the back <the back door>
:  far from a central or main area <back roads>
:  not yet paid :  overdue <He owes back rent.>
:  no longer published <back issues of a magazine>



Definition of BACK for Kids

:  to give support or help to :  uphold <Which candidate are you backing?>
:  to move back <She backed out of the garage.>
back·er noun
back down
:  to stop arguing or fighting for something <You just can't back down and let people say I told you so. — Oliver Butterworth, The Enormous Egg>
back off
:  to back down
back out
:  to decide not to do something after agreeing to do it
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈbak\

Medical Definition of BACK

a :  the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine b :  the corresponding part of a lower animal (as a quadruped) c :  spinal column
:  the part of the upper surface of the tongue behind the front and lying opposite the soft palate when the tongue is at rest


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